Cantando Bajito: Chorus, Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, USA
Cantando Bajito: Incantations, Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, USA
Fella Tamzali: Arcanes, rizhome Gallery, Algiers, Algeria
Cantando Bajito: Testimonies, Ford Foundation Gallery, New York, USA
From the void came gifts of the cosmos, 35 Ljubljana Biennial, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cantando Bajito: Chorus, Ford Foundation Gallery, Conceptual note and artist texts, 2024︎︎︎
Sara Ouhaddou, ElaineAlain, 2024︎︎︎
Cantando Bajito: Incantations, Ford Foundation Gallery, Conceptual note and artist texts, 2024︎︎︎
Cantando Bajito: Testimonies, Ford Foundation Gallery, Conceptual note and artist texts, 2024︎︎︎
Fella Tamzali, Aracanes, Gallery rizhome, Exhibition text, April 2024︎︎︎
L’État Tunisien à la Biennale de Paris 1959-1971, la modernité globale contestée, Catalogue raisonnée Présences Arabes, Musée d'Art moderne de Paris, April 2024︎︎︎
Publishing Practices #2, In the Inner Bark of Trees, Archive Berlin, Conceptual note, co-authored with Chiara Figone, Emanuela Maltese and Paz Guevara︎︎︎
UPCOMING: Becoming an Artisan, Of names and regimes of naming in Arts in Tunisia under the French Protectorate, 13th Rencontres of Bamako Reader, Archive Books
UPCOMING: Jellal Ben Abdallah (1921-2017), Mathaf Encyclopedia of Modern Art and Arab World, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art
Conversations and Lectures
Curatorial talk, ‘Cantando Bajito: Chorus’, featuring Susana Vargas Cervantes, Roxana Fabius, Beya Othmani, Mindy Seu, and Charlotte Kent, Brooklyn Rail, November 2024︎︎︎
In conversation with Nassim Azarzar, for ‘Maghrib Past and Present Podcast’, American Center for Maghrib Studies in Tunis (CEMAT), Tunisia, September 2024︎︎︎
In conversation with Aisha Ariella Azoulay, 30.07.2023, Archive Sites Berlin, Germany
What is a curator?, Sprint'Art #2, July 2023, Tunisia
In conversation with Hrag Vartanian, 07.03.2023, Hyperallergic, Online︎︎︎
In conversation with Jessica Gerschultz, 13.01.2023, 32Bis,Tunis, Tunisia︎︎︎
In conversation with Ibrahim Mahama, 07.07.2022, 32Bis, Tunis, Tunisia
Panel, Past and Present Portrayals of Habib Bourguiba, 10.10.2022, The Tunisia Office of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, Tunis, Tunisia ︎︎︎
In conversation with Nadia Jelassi, 11.04.2022, CEMAT, Tunis, Tunisia︎︎︎
In conversation with Katia Kameli, 05.2021, Online︎︎︎With Katia Kameli, 05.2021, Online︎︎︎
Grants and Residencies
Dox Box, Mouatheqat / Women in Dox, 2021
Dutch Art Institute, Kitchen respondent, 2020
Kamel Lazaar Foundation, Fond Culture Solidaire, 2020